Thursday, September 20, 2012

The "Smart Cookie"

Having just realized that in an earlier post I would next leave tips and tricks for the dogs I like to affectionately call the "smart cookies," I apologize for not following in sequence. With that said, here is a post dedicated to those dogs, including breeds like Border Collies, Australian Shepherds, and German Shepherd, although we all know that within each fur baby lies a "smart cookie," so these tips are not breed specific.

The smart cookie trains you, rather than the other way around. These pups tend to get bored easily and express his ennui in a variety of destructive ways, such as chewing. This tends to happen especially with dogs that come from breeds who (at one time) would perform a job, such as herding livestock.

But fear not, dear readers, for these activities and games will help avert your smart cookie's attention to something a bit more positive than chewing up that new pair of shoes or your grandmother's antique trunk (I use these examples as one of my own fur babies had what my husband referred to as an "unnatural affection" towards any kind of furniture.)
Top activities:
  • Agility games exercise his brain as well as body.
  • Obedience training, whether it's in your living room or at a competition, is the canine brain workout he craves.
  • Herding allows your dog to pit his wits against a flock of sheep. No, you don't need your own farm; trainers offer group classes and private lessons.

Other fun stuff:
  • Read up on training and teach your dog to do a job, any job: retrieving the paper, putting away his toys, playing messenger in the house (he can carry notes in his collar)--anything that makes him feel useful.
    • Paw Brigade Tip: Training your dog to put away his toys is easy! While I have tried many different methods, the one that seems to have the most lasting impact can be completed in a few simple steps. You will, of course, have to repeat this exercise several times. After all, practice makes perfect. Let me also stress here that both of my dogs are retrievers and adore the game of fetch. If your fur baby isn't so keen on this game, please leave a comment and I will do my best to find some information that is more specifically tailored to your fur baby's personality.
      • Step 1: Play a game of fetch with one of your dogs favorite toys. Position the toy basket (or box or whatever you have designated for your dogs toys) beside you so that your hand rests above the basket when your dog retrieves the toy and brings it back to you.
      • Step 2: Placing your hand beside the toy, command your dog to "drop it" and when your dog drops the toy in the basket (thinking it's in your hand), reward with verbal praise or a tasty treat. You will need to repeat these two steps for a week before moving on to step three.
      • Step 3: After reinforcing this trick for one week, play another game of fetch with the same toy and basket placed beneath your right hand. Throw the toy and wait for your dog to bring it back to you. Say "drop it" and point down at the basket instead of placing your hand into the basket. Repeat until your dog drops the toy into the basket.
        • * You can also use the words "clean up" after the first full week of training, but beware - changing the command like this can easily confuse your fur baby and this may result in longer time needed to properly train your pup.   
  • Play hide and seek with treats, a favorite toy or you. Ask for a sit/stay and hide behind the couch or stash the goodies (start off by letting your dog see where), then release your dog. Make it more of a challenge by hiding the items when he's not there.
  • Stock up on interactive toys that make your dog use his brain to find the treats inside. Some interactive puzzles that I have found useful can be purchased at your local pet store. These include Zanies Interactive Puzzle Pizza Dog Toy and Trixie's Chess Game.

I hope this helps you all, dear readers, and will post more as soon as I'm able. I currently have one of my fur babies barking for her weekly "bone" (I use Canyon Creek Ranch Chicken Tenders Dog Treats)

Friday, September 14, 2012

Late Night Post - The "Nose"

Life has been hectic this past week. Between being a full time mommy to two fur babies and juggling work, school, and life in general, I have a deeper appreciation for something that has been lacking: sleep. It's now 11:15 PM CST and I have just gotten back - I love what I do or else I wouldn't be up at 5:00 AM and in bed by 1:00 AM (if I'm lucky.) So my apologies to any of my readers out there who feel that I have fallen short of what this blog was meant to be. On with the pup information! :) I hope you guys enjoy.

Today's post will focus on dogs that I like to affectionately call "noses." These dogs love to use their nose to track scents near or far. Fur babies that would typically fall into this category are beagles, black and tan coonhounds, and bloodhounds.
Top activities:
  • Training your hound to be a search and rescue dog is a huge commitment, but very rewarding if you've got the time and passion for it. Check out the National Association for Search & Rescue website to find out if it's for you.
  • Participate in tracking trials, which involve following a scent trail to find a deliberately "lost" person and any items she dropped. The American Kennel Club puts on tracking events for purebreds; local chapters of the Mixed Breed Dog Clubs of America do the same for mutts.

Other fun stuff:
  • Create your own tracking game by asking your dog for a sit-stay outside, and walking through the grass to leave a scent trail. Leave a treat at the end of the trail, then retrace your steps and release your dog to find the treat.
  • Hide treats throughout your yard and let your dog sniff them out.
  • Turn meals into treasure hunts by putting your dog's food bowl in a new spot, and leaving a widely spaced trail of kibble to the bowl.

With this information now safely penned (or typed) for all of you, Dear Readers, I bid you good night. Let me know your thoughts and share any "nose hound" stories that you might have.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

11 Creative Ways to Get Moving With Your Pup

Dear readers - within each of our four-legged fur babies lies a natural gifted athlete. Even the tiniest Chihuahua or the pudgiest Persian possesses amazing physical abilities, if we as owners would take the time to tap into these gifts and utilize them to the fullest potential. Unfortunately, it is a sad statistic that many of the pets in the US have been "benched," resulting in an epidemic of obesitity that rivals that of the American people. In fact, nearly 44 percent of dogs are either considered overweight or obese. When we let our pets gain too much weight, they increase their risk of so many diseases, such as arthritis, diabetes, high blood pressure, cancer, and even behavioral problems (just to name a few.) To help keep our fur babies healthy and trim (and we get the added bonus of aiding our own health as well), try these tips for adding a little exercise and fun every day with your pet. Your dog will love you, and the bond that this will create between you and your dog will be rewarding enough.

Indoor games

1. High and low. This game is like squats for your dog or cat. With a kibble or piece of food in one hand, have your pet lie down or sit. For dogs, lower the treat and coax your dog to jump up and follow it. Then quickly lower the reward again and return the dog to a sitting or lying position. An ideal "high and low" is when your dog explodes upward and immediately lays down again. Repeat this three to five times before giving the food.

2. Hide and seek. This is similar to fetch but without the throwing—and resulting broken lamps. Show your dog a favorite toy. Lead your dog into another room while you hide the toy from your dog's view. Make the hiding place obvious at first, like the toy peeking out from under a pillow. You may have to help your dog find the toy the first couple of tries. When your dog finds the toy, praise and give a kibble or piece of food. Hide the toy in progressively more challenging places as the game continues. This game is so fun you won't need food after a couple of rounds.

3. Find the food. Cats are natural predators. To tap into the instinct and encourage your cat to get its move on, try dividing the food into small bowls placed throughout your house. Have your cat watch as you "hide" the bowls. Your cat will "hunt" the food throughout the day. This is one of the best ways to get corpulent cats on their feet and burning calories.

4. Follow the leader. This classic indoor game uses the same skills as "come and get it" below. Show your dog or cat a favorite toy and call her to you. Walk around your house with your pet following you. Go as fast as you like; just don't blame your pet for any broken items.

5. Obstacle course. Set up an indoor obstacle course made of empty drawers, buckets, pillows, boxes, or broomsticks. Have your dog jump, crawl, and navigate around furniture and objects for an intellectually stimulating activity. Playtime is about togetherness, not the quality of your toys. Get creative and resourceful to make even the dullest day bright with love and excitement.

6. Remote-controlled toys. Technology has provided pet owners an almost endless supply of remote-controlled toys. Many dogs and cats will chase a remote-controlled car or interactive talking toy. Look for a pet-friendly toy or car that has few small parts and is durable enough to withstand a paw strike or bite. Don't scold your pet if it destroys the toy; fun happens.

Outdoor games

1. Fetch. One of the most entertaining activities for many dogs is fetch. Use a fun toy and start with baby throws. Get your dog's attention and throw the ball or toy a couple of feet away. When he reaches the toy, praise him. As soon as he puts the toy in his mouth, take a few steps away while calling him to you. As your dog begins to approach, continue offering praise. When he reaches you, give the command "release" and show him a treat. Most dogs will trade the toy for a goody. Repeat this sequence, each time throwing the toy a little farther and stop giving treats after two or three trips.

2. Come and get it. Show your dog a favorite toy, such as a ball or Frisbee. As you do this, quickly bend over at the waist and extend your arms downward. This nonverbal communication cue signals you want to play. While you're bending over, say, "Come and get it!" As soon as you're certain you have your dog's attention, turn and run away. When your dog gets within three or four feet, stop and offer praise and a tiny treat. If your dog isn't interested in chasing you, don't chase the dog because doing so may teach that it's a game to run from you.

3. Obstacle course. Set up a basic agility or obstacle course in your yard. My favorite fun fitness device is a climbing obstacle or ramp. Walking up and down uses your dog's largest muscle masses in the rear legs. Weaving poles and jumping bars are also great ways to make exercise fun. While all of these tools can be bought online or a pet store, you can easily make your own with a little ingenuity. Ramps can be as simple as wood raised on blocks and weaving poles can be made from dowels or broomsticks. Dogs want to learn new skills, just like people do. Teaching old dogs new tricks might not only help them lose weight but also stay mentally healthy.

4. Stair mutts and hill hounds. A simple technique for healthy, overweight dogs is to find a hilly trail or flight of stairs and walk up and down. (Before you walk your dog on stairs or hills, ask your veterinarian to evaluate your dog's knees and hips. Obese dogs can put more stress on their joints, resulting in higher frequency of injuries.) Maintain a moderate pace and avoid sharp turns or jumps. Five to 10 minutes of solid hill or stair climbing is a great workout for any pudgy pooch. If you have stairs in your home, feed your cat in places that make her go up or down them.

5. Swimming. If your dog likes to swim, indulge. Many breeds, such as Retrievers, seem hard-wired to dive right in. For dogs with joint injuries or arthritis, swimming is an excellent exercise option. For many cats, swimming (bathing or water in general) is often less than enjoyable.
Exercising your pet can be as basic as shaking a piece of yarn or as complex as an agility-course competition. Find an activity that suits both you and your pet and do it consistently. Add new routes, games, and toys on a regular basis. While exercise certainly won't replace feeding fewer calories when it comes to your dog or cat losing weight, it is a vital part of a healthy lifestyle for both pets and people. When you and your pet move together, you celebrate one of the oldest, most unique, and most extraordinary bonds our planet has ever known.
Sections of this post were excerpted from Dr. Ward's book, Chow Hounds-Why America's Dogs Are Getting Fatter: A Vet's Plan to Save Their Lives (HCI Publications, March 2010)

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Keeping Your Fur Baby Happy and Healthy - Part 1

If you've heard it before, it's worth repeating. If you've never heard it, take note: A tired dog is a happy dog. Not enough exercise - be it mental or physical - is at the root of most behavioral (and many health) problems.

Fortunately, there are a variety of ways in which to keep your pet's body and brain in shape. The key is to find something you both enjoy, whether that means training classes, hiking the local foothills, scavenger hunts around the house, or hearty walks around the neighborhood.

Your dog is a thinking, breathing being — and deserves to be treated as one. Keep her mentally challenged and physically active, and she'll likely stay happy and healthy. Not to mention, you'll stave off many unwanted behaviors.

This will be a mini-series of different ideas, recipes, and games to help you stimulate your dogs mind and body, all while strengthening your bond together and making one tired fur baby at the end of the day :).

Read on, dear readers, and let me know if you have some ideas or recipes that you would like me to add to this series in the comments section. Please note that this mini-series focuses mostly on dogs, as I plan to have another mini-series focusing on our feline friends at a later date.

The "Ball Hound" as I like to call them can be described as one (or all) of the following:

  • Adores fetching and gnawing on chew toys
  • Is prone to play biting or nipping
  • Comes from a breed that works mostly with his mouth, such as a retriever.
If your dog falls into one of these categories, please read on, as these ideas will hopefully help create enthusiasm in your fur baby.

  • Athletic, mouthy dogs love a good game of frisbee. You can even take it to the competition level with Disc Dog or just have a game at your local dog park! Buy a frisbee with padded edges because it's gentler on his mouth. My "ball hound," Millie, really enjoys the booda soft bite floppy disc, but be warned: these don't last long if your dog has a tendency to tear apart her toys.

  • Flyball is a timed relay race that involves jumping hurdles and retrieving a ball--nirvana for high-energy, ball-obsessed dogs. Learn more and get local club listings from the North American Flyball Association.

  • You can also take your pet to a body of water since most "ball hounds" love to swim. I would suggest doing this ONLY when the weather is nice and warm enough. But you can buy fetch toys that would enable you to throw long distances into the water without getting wet yourself (until your dog happily greets you and shakes water all over the place - including you.)

    But we all know that it's hard to play "fetch" or any variation of the game if the weather is poor. So there are indoor alternatives to this as well. While you might not want your 90 lb. dog barreling down the hallway towards an antique umbrella stand, try setting up a toy box somewhere near your fur babies most comfortable "spot." This box will enable your dog to pick and choose her toys as she pleases, and she can carry them around in her mouth, thus satisfying her basic instinct to chew or retrieve. You can even work with your dog to train her on how to place her toys back in the toy box (but I will have a separate post dedicated to this.)

    As you can see, there are many ways to keep your dog healthy and active - whether you are indoors or out. If I've left out anything that you have found helpful with your ball hound, please let me know and I can make changes while giving you credit as well.

    Next time we'll look at another group of dogs, affectionately called the "smart cookie."